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In Haiti, rain is scarce due to decades of deforestation practices. Many Haitians rely on charcoals to cook their daily meals. This practice of cutting down trees to make charcoals has been devastating to the entire nation. Due to rainfall shortage, Haiti is plagued by droughts all year long. When it finally rains, the country is plagued by flooding, destroying crops and human lives.

Why am I telling you a story about my childhood? Well, telling my childhood story to you is for transparency. Aging Beautified is a sustainably conscious skincare brand that caters to Blacks and other minority groups. While many brands use the term “sustainability” as a marketing tool, we mean what we say. The experience I had as a child is one of the driving forces behind Aging Beautified™ Skincare.

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Haiti is not the only nation facing water scarcity. According to this report “Internal Decade Action ‘Water for Life’ 2005-2025,”approximately 1.2 billion people are affected by water scarcity around the world. That is almost one-fifth of the world’s population who do not have access to daily clean water. Another 1.6 billion people face an economic water shortage, meaning those individuals are living in countries that lack the necessary infrastructure to take water from rivers and aquifers. My home country, Haiti, faces not only water scarcity but economic water shortage as well. 

Water waste is growing at an overwhelming rate in other parts of the world such as the United States where water is used excessively in luxury products such as skin care products. Hydrologists have predicted that around 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity by 2025.

Building a sustainable skincare brand is personal. To date, my relatives who remain in Haiti do not have access to fresh water. Nor do they have the financial means to purchase clean water. Those who cannot afford to buy water bottles boil the water to kill some of the bacteria. This practice is also detrimental to the environment as they must use extra charcoals to boil water daily.

So, how can we do our part to ensure the prediction for the year 2025 does not come to pass? It will neither be simple nor easy. Then again, nothing worthwhile is ever easy. Here at Aging Beautified, we are determined to decrease water consumption in our products whenever it is feasible.

We use various oil-based products available on our website once Aging Beautified ™ launches its line in the fall of 2021. We are aware many of our products: creams, lotions, gels, and cleansers will require the use of water. When our products require the use of water, we use less water in our products than the mainstream beauty brands. Aging Beautified ™ uses Active botanicals such as Aloe vera gel and juice and other healthy botanical ingredients with medicinal, soothing properties, vitamins, minerals, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidants properties that will assist in nourishing your already beautiful skin.

Finally, our promise to you is this: our botanical ingredients will be sustainably sourced, have a low carbon footprint, and have few ecological footprints.

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